Sunday, January 25, 2009

Avoiding Dinner Time

Many of you will be in shock to read I have been avoiding dinner!!
Me making an effort not to eat - yeah right.
Well its not so much the food as sitting down to consume it I hate.
Travelling alone means dining alone majority of the time - its an awful experience at the best of times, but when you have to try and firstly find a decent restuarant, reasonably priced in a foreign destination it really sucks!!
I find myself walking the streets, finding a problem with every menu I read just to prolong the sitting down and eating......
I ofen end up in a Japanese restuarnt so I can sit at the sushi train and not look and feel like such a Nigel..... or I end up at a vending machine eating yet another giant twix!
I have to say though, of all the meals I have eaten out here in Canada I have yet have a dining experience that I would recommend to anyone. We are so spoilt in Australia!!

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