Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Accident Prone

I am not much fun today, everytime I move I groan, I feel like I have been hit by a truck.
Yesterday I went to The Blue Mountains in Ontario to ski, up bright and early, beautiful clear day, warm in the sun. 2hrs drive from Toronto with my Tim Hortons Coffee and cream cheese bagel, new ski pants on, pumped to get up the slopes again. Hired boots and skis that actually fit and gee did it make a difference. Up and down, round and round I went, slope after slope, greens, blues, blacks.......it was great. Made it to 6pm without a fall. Had a nice warm hot chocolate before heading out for 4 more hrs of night skiing.......things had iced up a lot since the temperature had dropped and the sun had set, thats fine I was used to worse conditions in Whistler. The runs were no where near as difficult either as the terrain isnt as mountainous. So I was attempting to get down a black run called 'Willys', it was about a 45 degree angle and virtually all ice. I edged my way down sideways past the steepest bit and just let myself slide, no dramas, then skied accross to the opposite side of the slope where Teddy was filming my slow decent. I made it, the worst part over, we are standing off to the side for about 10 sec when I hear a boarder start coming down, I look up just as Teddy yells "HEADS' - the boarder was out of control sliding down the hill backwards picking up speed fast (Teddy reckons 30kms per hr) -within I split second I had been swept up off my skis and thrown down the hill 20 feet landing smack on my back all twisted up. It was a total blur, a whole bunch of white and I thought I was gone. Then the pain kicked in. I instantly wiggled my toes worried the worst was possible, they wiggled, thank god, fingers worked, nothing felt broken but I couldnt move. Fortunately ski patrol had witnessed the whole thing and were there in a flash, first aid was called and a sled arranged. I had a pain running up and down my right leg and I couldnt stop my leg from shaking. I couldnt speak, the guy was talking at me, 'whats your name?' how old are you?' shocked when I said 30, all the attention was getting to me, I lost it, the shaking turned to convulsing, the tears rolled, I was put into a sled face first, strapped in and dragged down the hill behind a snow boarder. I was so fearful of the sled, especially going down head first.....My skis were confiscated, I was interregated about what happened, given the once over and allowed to rest. I have to say the people working there were very professional and efficient, they cover themselves on all bases. The guy who ploughed into me was so sorry and stayed with me til I was given the all clear. I am just thankful I didnt hurt myself badly. I am black and blue. I am tender and aching. BUT I will live and soldier on. I will just be a very crippled old woman one day.

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