Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dog Sledding

Just as my bruised ass crack is recovering, I now have a new injury, a massive bump on my forehead where I got totally whipped by the dog sled rope, it sounded like my skull cracked and by golly did it hurt. On a positive note I was extremely tired last night and slept for 12 hrs. So now I am a egg head and will wear my 'took' (beanie) permanently until it goes down!
Dog sledding was loads of fun though, you get to hang with the dogs before you head off and they are pretty big scary looking dogs, some are wolf like with blue eyes, some look more like a dingo and others are those big bear dogs.......but so cute and cuddly. You end up laying in the snow with them licking you and play fighting...... BUT they are super keen to get out and start running, so they howl, and talk, and scream and bark until you get underway.
We did get a brief rundown on how to drive the sled and there were a lot of rules, and terms and recommendations but I was too side tracked by the dogs to pay attention. So when the owner said I was up first I totally shat myself, felt the anxiety kick in and on I hopped. Managed to stay on, even over the big bumps and down hills...had to jump off and run a bit to catch up but it was so cool. The dogs love it, they hate it when you make them stop so they can wee and poo, cos the last thing you want when you are sitting in the sled it their crap being flicked back into your face. The shards of ice are pretty bad when you are trying to film. So anyway I hope I got some great shots, took some film footage although it may make you sick to watch as I dont have a steady hand.......will post later when I have a faster computer.
If you ever get the chance give it a go, it was much more intense than I though it would be, 7 dogs all able to pull 500 pound that love to run and run and run tied to a sled that can go pretty damn fast. If you let go that thing keeps going and going and going!!

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